The Tagua palm grows in Colombia’s rainforest, this palm produces the Tagua fruit.
When the Tagua fruit is ripe, it breaks from the palm and its fresh Tagua seeds are harvested and set out to dry for 6 to 9 months to become rock solid.
Dry Tagua Seed Fully Polished
Tagua Fruit
The Tagua palm grows in Colombia’s rainforest, this palm produces the Tagua fruit.
When the Tagua fruit is ripe, it breaks from the palm and its fresh Tagua seeds are harvested and set out to dry for 6 to 9 months to become rock solid.
Dry Tagua Seed Fully Polished
From Dried Tagua Seeds
To Chic Tagua Jewelry!
Organic and Sustainable
Tagua is naturally organic, it grows wild throughout the rainforests of Colombia.
Tagua is sustainable, the seeds are harvested only when the fruit is ripe and has fallen to the ground, this allows the Tagua palm trees to provide valuable habitat to animals, and also assists with rainforest preservation by preventing the cutting of trees for farming or cattle.
Tagua Seed Sprouting into a Palm Tree
100% Vegetable Ivory.
Tagua as “vegetable ivory” helps to raise awareness about the current eradication of African Elephants which are being killed by the tens of thousands each year for their ivory.
Botanical ivory is a logical and humane alternative to help save our tusked friends. A single female tagua palm may produce up to 50 pounds of seeds in a year, that’s roughly the amount of ivory in an average African elephant tusk.